General terms and conditions

Photos and descriptions :

The photos illustrating our tourist rentals are non binding and cannot incur Archipel Évasion's liability.

The descriptions of the tourist rentals are drawn up with care and updated regularly. However we cannot be held responsible for certain changes (modifications made since the pubilication on our site or some unfinished or temporarily interrupted amenities (maintenance work, climatic hazards).

Our tourist rentals are not hotel structures. A fautlty element (appliance) cannot be replaced immediately. The repairer's response time is to be taken into account and does not entitle the customer to any compensation.

Arrival and departure times :

The tourist rental must be vacated at 12H00 at the latest on the day of departure and can be occupied only from 6p.m. on the day of arrival. Those schedules can be arranged beforehand, on a case by case depending on the availability of accommodation and the manager's schedule. The prices are calculated on the basis of a number of nights and not days. As a result, if for various reasons (flight delays, natural circumstances...) the first and last day are shortened because of a delated arrival or an early departure, no refund can be made.

The inventory is at 11pm.

Number of participants :

The tourist residence must be occupied by the number of people stipulated in the contract. The amenities that go with the accomodation (swimming pool, bedding...) are solely for the use of the people stipulated in the contract.

If the local agent notices that throughout the stay the rental has been occuppied by more people than stipulated in the contract, Archipel Évasion will be entitled to ask for compensation prorated according to the number of extra persons based on the original amount of the service. Under no circumstances can the number of extra persons exceed the sleeping capacity of the rental. In case of refusal, the local agent will be entitled to ask the people not mentioned in the contract to leave.

Tourist tax :

Tourist taxes are to be paid on-site or on booking time depending to the rental. As their amount is established by the townhall, it can vary from one municipality to another. They vary according to the communes and the classification of the villas.

Charges :

The service includes water and electricity expenses. In some properties, you are requested to abide by customary practice rules as regards air conditioning (at night only for instance). In the event of noncompliance with the rules the local agent will be entitled to make a deduction from the security deposit. 

Disturbances :

The client is due to respect the quietness of the neighborhood and to not disturb by his actions its days or nights. Disturbances will result in a breach of contract and eviction from the accommodation without any compensation. In the event that neighboring residents report excessive noise or unruly behavior, Archipel Évasion or the owner may be required to evict you from the property and terminate the vacation rental agreement. This would result in the loss of the rental amount. Any organization of parties, ceremonies, etc... is strictly forbidden. In case of non-compliance with this clause, the local correspondent may request that the event organized in the tourist accommodation be stopped. Archipel Évasion or the owner may claim compensation in case of damage.

Animals :

The customers are required to notify Archipel Evasion if they travel with animals. Their admission is subjected to the rental owner's approval. Archipel Évasion or the owner of the rental can never be held responsible for the consequences arising from a wandering animal. The customer is the only one who is accountable for any damage caused by his (her) animals.

Children's safety :

In all cases including when the property has a swimming pool, the parents alone are responsible for the supervision and safety of the children accompanying them. Neither the owner nor Archipel Évasion can be held responsible in case of an accident.

Safety deposit :

The tourist accommodations require a deposit according to the villas either:

  • by pre-authorization CB to Archipel Évasion one week before the entry in the places.
  • by pre-authorization CB, check or bank transfer to the owner or his correspondent on the spot.


It will be returned within seven days following the departure inventory. In the case of missing or broken objects, or the return of the rental in such a state that extra cleaning hours are needed compared to the ones stipulated in the contract, a sum, at the discretion of the owner or Archipel Évasion will be deducted from the safety deposit. In case of disagreement between the local agent and the customer about a possible deduction from the security deposit, a negociation should be set up directly between the owner and the customer. If the assessed cost of the damage caused is higher than the security deposit a file will be sent to litigation by the owner, and if need be, both parties can put in an insurance claim. The customers must ask their insurer for an increase in coverage for their main residence (free in most cases) for the duration of their stay or take out a liability insurance in order to protect themselves against that risk.

Litigation :

All cases of litigation or dispute will have to be notified to Archipel Évasion at the latest 24 hours after the handing over of the keys which will enable us to come to an amicable settlement. After that deadline, and if no rental problem is noted on the spot, no claim will be admissible.

Payment terms :

The reservation is effective only when Archipel Évasion has received the customer's downpayment, even in the case of preleminary booking whether oral or written. The customer is requested to pay the balance 45 days before arrival at the latestShould the booking be made less than 45 days before his (her) arrival , the total amount has to be paid to confirm the booking. Non compliance on the part of the customer with the terms stipulated in the contract will be regarded as a cancellation requested by the customer. As a result, the terms, in the event of cancellation by the customer (below in this document) would apply.

The customer remains in all cases responsible for the payment of all agreed amounts for the ordered products or services. Any bank transfer from a bank outside France must be made in Euros only. Transfers from abroad are subject to a 1% surcharge to cover bank charges.

Rental insurance :

The residence is insured by the owner who commits to delivering it in a perfect state of repair and cleanliness, in accordance with the description on internet and the standards in effect. However he (she) can't be held responsible in the event of theft, loss, accident, damage of any problems which might occur to his (her) customers or to their belongings. The customers alone are responsible for their personal belongings.

The customer must insure the residence that is handed over to him against rental risks (fire, water damages, explosion...).

Therefore, he must check that his main residence insurance policy covers holiday rentals. If not, the customers are invited to take out an insurance.

The customer is required to report within 24 hours any incident having occurred in the residence, its outbuildings or annexes.

Cleaning at the end of the stay :

In order to ensure that each guest finds the Tourist Accommodation in an impeccable state of cleanliness on arrival (furniture dusted, windows cleaned, oven and fridge cleaned, etc.), the final cleaning package is compulsory.

However, each client is still required to leave the tourist accommodation in a clean state, with the dishes done, the dustbin and fridge emptied, the BBQ cleaned and the furniture returned to its original position.

Failure to comply with this clause will result in a deduction from the deposit.

Natural or exceptional disasters :

In the event of a cyclone, a natural or exceptional disaster, strikes compelling the customers to cancel or shorten their stay, Archipel Évasion will neither make a refund for the days when the rental is left vacant, nor bear the extra expenses due to the occurence.

Modifications of the contract :

In the event of the customer wishing to modify one of the specifications of his contract, (change of date of arrival, modification of the length of stay, of the number of participants) and as long as those modifications are possible at the same price, a 50 € fee will have to be paid to cover the extra administrative costs caused by those modifications. A date change leading to season change will result in a readjustment of the tarifs on top of the modification costs.

Cancellation terms :


The accommodation, transport, catering, and recreational services provided at any date or according to a given frequency do not fall within the scope of the seven day withdrawal period applied by (stated in) the consumer code. The purchase of such services on the site is materialized by the payment of a deposit. Once that payment has been made, the cancellation terms as stated below will apply as of right.

Any cancellation has to be made by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt. Therefore, the provisions below apply depending on the period between the day of cancellation and (date when the mail was sent) and the scheduled departure date.

1. Cancellation by the customer :

Grid of the cancellation fees * :

  • 35% fee for more than 30 days in advance

  • 50% fee between 30 and 21 days

  • 75% fee between 20 and 14 days

  • 100% fee for less than 14 days

* Some villas have their own cancellation policy; please refer to your rental contract.

Cancellation and comprehensive cover insurance :

Archipel Évasion systematically offers its clients insurance (cancellation or multi-risk (cancellation, assistance, repatriation, civil liability, etc.)

The clauses and guarantees covered by the insurance contracts are available online on the site.

By paying the insurance premium, the client accepts without any restriction the clauses and guarantees linked to his contract.

In the event of cancellation before departure or in the event of a claim on the spot (need for reimbursement of medical expenses, need for repatriation, etc.), the client must use the telephone numbers provided by the insurer corresponding to these cases directly. Archipel Évasion cannot deal directly with this type of request.

Even in the case where the insurance contract is filled out online by Archipel Évasion or from the website, the insurance contract is exclusively established between the client and the insurer. In no case shall Archipel Évasion substitute itself for the insurer or any other company concerning the insurance of any claim whatsoever.

2. Cancellation by Archipel Évasion :

In the event of Archipel Évasion having to cancel an option put on a rental by a customer following an oral or a written request, the customer is not entitled to any compensation whatsoever as long he still has not made a first payment and Archipel Evasion has not cashed it. If archipel Évasion cancels the offered service within the 7 days following the first payment, the customer will be refunded the full amount of his payments. No further compensation will be made regardless of the period between the booking date and the departure date (Therefore including last minute requests).

In the event of cancellation after the seven days following the payment by the customer, Archipel Évasion will have to provide, a rental corresponding to the same destination, and rental to at least the same category as the one mentioned in the contract. As long as those conditions are met the customer will not be in a position to turn down that alternative offer. If those conditions are not met, the following conditions will apply according to the date of cancellation :

  • 30 days and + before the scheduled departure date : refund of deposit.
  • Between 29 and 15 days before the scheduled departure date : refund of all the payments made plus 10% of the amount of the rent.
  • Between 14 and 8 days before the scheduled departure date : refund of all the payments made plus 15% of the amount of the rent.
  • Less than 8 days days before the scheduled departure date : refund of all the payments made plus 20% of the amount of the rent.


The custumer will not be eligible for any compensation if the cancellation of the services is due to a case of force majeure or the fact that his (her) security is at stake.

The provisions of the present article do not in any way prevent the conclusion of an amicable agreement for the purpose of acceptance by the customer of a substitute trip or stay proposed by the seller. No reimbursement of services provided by companies other than Archipel Évasion (air tickets, car hire, etc.) will be possible.

Excursions :

A minimum number of participants is required for certain excursions.Those are group excursions, but the booking is made on an individual basis. As a result, Archipel Evasion is unable to set a deadline to inform the customer in case of cancellation. However, should any excursion be cancelled by the service provider, the customers will be refunded their booking fees.

General sales conditions :

Reproduced under article R. 211-14 of the tourist code. These conditions govern the sale of services as defined in article L. 211-1 of the tourist code, but do not apply for booking transactions or transport ticket sales( flight only) that do no fall within the category of " package tours", pursuant to articles L. 211-2 and L 211-3 of the tourist code.

Click the following link to read corresponding articles regarding French tourism code (in french) :